Chairman of the Organizing Committee: Martin Komárek (, +420 773 781 132
ISBHF Directorate: TBA
Coordinator Česká Třebová: Jaroslav Badzik (, +420 776 585 615
Coordinator Litomyšl: TBA
Communication with teams: Olga Faltysová (, +420 774 952 489
Organizational Services in Česká Třebová: Lukáš Diviš (, +420 775 602 002
Organizational Services in Litomyšl: TBA
Volunteers: Anna Kuželová (, +420 605 331 993
Accreditation: Tomáš Jirsa (, +420 774 175 119
Accompanying program: Pavel Shejbal (, +420
725 762 789
Press Officer: Filip Červinka ( ), +420 775 684 227
Press Officer for Czech teams: Milan Maršner (, +420 773
781 132
Media: Filip Červinka ( ), +420 775 684 227
Transfers: Jaroslav Badzik (, +420 776 585 615